Why Is Your Business in The Fashion & Design Industry Not Gaining Traction?

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The fashion and design industry is saturated, there’s no doubt about that. However, it’s still a great industry to start a business in, as long as you know how to push your brand out to the world and you have a bulletproof plan for marketing your business to your ideal audience.

In a lot of cases, this is the problem - most people believe that their products are so amazing that they don’t have to put much effort into digital marketing, and that’s where it all goes wrong and their business stays stagnant.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur that’s just launched your own fashion business, you’re a fashion designer trying to land clients, or you own a factory producing garments, your business isn’t going to gain traction unless you put it on the map by using a digital marketing strategy.

In this article, we’re going to take a look at the reasons why your business might not be gaining traction the way that you thought it would and tell you exactly why you need a digital marketing strategy to get the success that you’re hoping for.

#1 Your Branding Doesn’t Align With Your Business

Your branding is incredibly important, and if your branding doesn’t align with your brand’s ethos and the products or services you sell, you’re not only going to be attracting the wrong audience, but people won’t understand what your brand is really all about, hence they won’t buy from you. Your branding needs to align with your business’s ethos and the products you sell, so you attract the right audience and don’t leave any questions unanswered.

#2 You’re Selling Too Hard

If every photo that you post on Instagram is a product shot, your captions are all telling people to buy your products, and your website screams ‘sale’, you’re probably actually not going to make a lot of sales, and the people that follow you won’t be engaged by what you post, possibly leading them to unfollow you. Your brand not only needs to show up online as a professional, already-successful business, but it also needs to have depth and focus on things other than simply selling.

#3 You Care More About Followers Than Community

If you’re doing everything you possibly can to increase the amount followers you have and ignoring the people that already follow you, you’re doing it all wrong. Although increasing followers is beneficial, having an engaged, interested, and loyal community on social media is much more useful. So, focus less on upping that follower count, and more on strengthening the community you already have on social media.

#4 Your Website Design Is Outdated

In order for your business to be able to compete with others in this industry (although this applies to all industries), you need to be at the forefront of digital marketing and design. In particular, you should be keeping up with web design trends, and at a bare minimum ensuring that your website is mobile-friendly. Having an outdated website is like a death sentence for your brand.

#5 Your Social Media Doesn’t Show Inclusivity

Inclusivity should always be important, but it’s more important than ever in 2021, with people ditching brands that aren’t inclusive. So, make sure that you’re being as inclusive as possible, meaning using a variety of different people in campaigns, providing alternative text for those with visual impairments, adding subtitles to videos for those that are hard of hearing, and promoting inclusivity and equality.

#6 You’re Not Using Paid Ads

Paid ads, specifically Google Ads and Facebook Ads, can grow your brand and provide incredible ROI, so if you’re not using them, it’s time to ask yourself why. Using paid ads allow you to generate targeted leads, advertise where people actually spend most of their time online and grow your reach by advertising on multiple channels. Organic advertising can be beneficial, but paid advertising really delivers results.

Persuaded To Put Together A Digital Marketing Strategy?

A clear, concise, and properly put together digital marketing strategy is essential for your business’s success. There’s no better time to start putting together a strategy than now, at the beginning of the year, to see how your business grows over the next few months, tweaking the strategy along the way so that at the end of 2021 you can clearly see how powerful this strategy has been in growing your business.


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