5 Reasons You Should Have Google Ads As A Part Of Your Marketing Strategy.

Every business, regardless of the kind of business, should have a digital marketing strategy. A digital marketing strategy aims to increase the discoverability of a brand, boost engagement with potential customers, turn followers and brand supporters into real customers, and reach digital goals.

The best way to ensure that your business has the perfect digital marketing strategy is obviously by hiring an agency to take care of everything for you. At Digital Habitus, we cover every aspect of digital marketing, but we don’t want to simply do the work for you like other agencies, we also want to share our inside information with you.

Google Ads are an essential part of most marketing strategies, and we hit the nail on the head every time we run a campaign using Google Ads. So, we want to share with you the top 5 reasons you should have Google Ads as part of your marketing strategy.

What Is Google Ads?

If you search using Google or you watch Youtube, you’ll actually already know what Google Ads is. You will be able to see Google Ads campaigns very clearly - when you search for anything, they’re usually the top two or three pages that are shown and there’s a little ‘Ad’ sign on the far left.

Google Ads is an advertising platform that’s (obviously) run by Google. The type of advertising Google Ads uses is a pay-per-click kind of advertising, meaning you pay for the number of clicks on your advertisement.

Google Ads are shown on Google search engine results, on Google Maps, on Youtube, and on other websites. When someone searches for something that relates to your product or service, they will see your advert.

With Google having more than 90% of search engine market share and the ROI being 200% for Google Ads, Google Ads is one of the most popular advertising platforms out there.

5 Reasons Why You Should Use Google Ads.

You’re Advertising Where People Look

Obviously, one of the biggest reasons that you should use Google Ads as part of your marketing strategy is because it gives you the ability to post an advert exactly where people look.

There are over 5.5 billion searches per day on Google, so if you want to reach the maximum number of potential customers, there’s no better place to advertise than exactly where they are! Times have changed, so rather than putting an ad in your local paper or pushing out an ad on your personal social media account with a low engagement, target your customers where they are!

Generates Targeted Leads

Google Ads doesn’t only deliver great results because it pushes your advertisement out to people searching, but it specifically targets people that will be genuinely interested in your product. 

Google Ads targets people that are searching for things that are similar, or the same as, your product/service. Therefore, it targets people that are very likely to actually click on your ad, go onto your site, and buy your product/service. It’s a great way of turning potential customers into real customers, because it targets the perfect people.

This differs from running a social media campaign, because with a social media campaign, you don’t always know if the people you’re targeting will actually want to buy your product/service.

It’s A Pay Per Click Payment Method

As mentioned above, there’s around a 200% ROI rate when it comes to Google Ads, and this could be attributed to the fact that Google Ads doesn’t charge for your ad being placed on Google but only when someone actually clicks on your ad.

What Google Ads has done here is very clever - the platform shows you how successful the ad has been, and then charges you for the success. 

There Are Different Types of Ads Available

There are a few different types of ads that you can run on Google Ads - display ads, video ads, search ads, app ads, and shopping ads. 

  • Display ads are visual ads, featuring a small bit of copy that is shown on a website within the Google search network.

  • Video ads are obviously moving visual advertisements that feature either at the beginning, the end, or within a Youtube video.

  • Search ads are the most commonly used advertisement on Google, and they show up as the top two or three pages on the search engine and have a little ‘ad’ sign on the far left-hand side.

  • App ads are shown on Google search engine, the search network, Youtube, and Google Play. The app information is simply recommended.

  • Shopping ads are product specific advertisements that show the price and description of the product and take users straight to that product if clicked on. These are displayed on the search engine. 

So, you can choose a type of ad that will benefit you the most. For example, if you have an eCommerce store, you might want to choose to show a shopping ad.

You Can Use Analytics To Learn About Your Customers

For digital marketers, one of the most important things to view is analytical information. Google Ads provides in-depth analytics during and after your ad campaign.

You can see all kinds of information, from where in the world people visited you from and at what time of the day, to what keywords they searched for and on what device they did this from.

All of this information isn’t only important for running future ad campaigns, but it helps you to understand your brand’s demographic better.

If you’re looking for a bulletproof digital marketing strategy that includes Google Ads, look no further! Get in touch with us and we’ll create a comprehensive marketing strategy for your business. 


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