How Pinterest Can Grow Your Brand

Most business marketing strategies will definitely have a lot of focus dedicated to social media, which is wonderful. However, if your social media strategy is limited to Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, you’re missing out on reaching users on one of the biggest social media platforms out there - Pinterest. 

As soon as you think about Pinterest, pictures of DIY face mask tutorials and interior design might pop into your head, and although you’re not wrong (there’s a fair amount of that content on there), there’s pretty much images and information about everything you could imagine on the platform.

Pinterest is a platform that you can not only advertise directly on, but it’s also somewhere that you can entice new customers and build a real community. With over 320 million monthly users (and rising), it’s never been more important to incorporate Pinterest into your social media marketing strategy, 

In this article, we’re going to share some advice on how to get started on Pinterest in the first place, and then how you can use Pinterest to grow your brand successfully. So, let’s get to it so you can start pinning!

How To Create A Business Account On Pinterest

Although you might think it’s enough to have an account on Pinterest, if you’re creating an account for your brand, it’s essential that you start a business account. The main difference between a normal user account and a business account is that you will have access to account analytics which are extremely useful when tracking growth progress and reach.

It’s super simple to create a business account on Pinterest, all you have to do is head to Pinterest, select, “create a business account”, fill in some details about your company such as provide website URL and select the type of company, and off you go! Check out Pinterest’s advice to set up a business account if you need further help.

Once you’ve created your account, you must add a high-quality profile picture, and cover photo, create a compelling and informative bio, and connect it to your other social media platforms. You also need to click, “claim your website” so you can receive analytics and have your profile attached to all of your pins, and the pins that other people share of yours, to increase reach and engagement. 

Then, it’s time to create your very first Pin!

3 Ways To Grow Your Brand On Pinterest

Post High-Quality Content and Make Sure It’s Pinterest Friendly.

Pinterest is all about the images - even more so than Instagram. Therefore, when a pinner is searching around and looking for pins, they are obviously going to be attracted to the pins that are high-quality images, as well as intriguing and engaging images.

You need to make sure that whatever you post on Pinterest is of the highest quality, and that it’s aesthetically pleasing. You might have the best things to say, but if it’s simply written out onto a boring background, no one is going to even take a second glance at your pin.

You need to engage the pinner in less than a second, so focus on shooting some really incredible imagery.

Engage With Pinners.

Just like any other social media platform, you have to engage with other people on the platform to gain any type of exposure and build a community. You can comment on other people’s Pins saying something supportive or kind, as well as repin other people’s Pins to get noticed and start building a community.

You should also make sure you make an effort to say thank you to people that repin your content, either by direct message or on comments. It’s pretty easy to build a community on Pinterest, it just takes effort, like any social media network.

Use Shop The Look Tags.

Pinterest brought out “Shop The Look” tags in 2017, and they are one of the best ways to get pinners onto your website. When you post a photo that contains a product of yours, you can simply click on the small price tag symbol and add a Shop The Look tag (they come up as little white dots on the image), with a link to the product on your site. If you’re looking more help with the technical side to Shop The Look tags, check out Pinterest’s Guide.

This means that a pinner can quickly and easily see where the product in a photo comes from, and if they like it they can head to the website straight away to purchase it. Using this feature drives an incredible amount of traffic to your website, especially if you add your website URL in the Pin description too, because that way, no one can miss it!

Now that you know how important Pinterest can be in your social media marketing strategy in driving traffic to your site and reaching new customers, you can make sure you start pinning so that you stop missing out on potential sales!


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