How To See and Utilise Instagram Insights

Whether you use Instagram to promote your brand, show off your freelance career or you’re an influencer, using Instagram Insights is a vital tool when it comes to your account engagement and growth.

You might be posting frequently, trying to engage with followers, and attempting to grow your community, but if you don’t know the analytics of your account currently, you’re not going to have much luck.

Instagram Insights is an essential tool that you need to utilise if you want to get to know what types of people you have following you, what the best times to post are, and what type of content your community is engaging with the most. Once you know can see all of this data, you can then use it to your advantage to grow your account!

In this article, we’re not only going to show you how you can access Instagram Insights, but we’re also going to be sharing some of the most important ways you should be utilising this analytical feature. So, get into it!

How Do You Access Instagram Insights?

You will only have access to Insights if you have a business account on Instagram, so the first thing you need to do is switch to a business account if you don’t already have one. If you don’t know how to do this, just follow the simple Instagram instructions on how to switch your standard account to a professional one.

Once you’ve switched to a business account, or on your existing business account, you’ll need to head to your feed and tap the Insights button in between Promotions and Email under your bio.

Once you’ve done this, you’ll be taken to a page with a wide variety of analytical information, including your overall account activity, the amount of interaction your content is getting, and lots of follower data. 

You can look at a variety of things in closer detail, such as which cities and countries your followers are from or the interaction of each of your Stories. 

If it’s your first time taking a look at Instagram Insights, you should play around for a while and really get to know your accounts stats.

3 Ways You Should Be Utilising Instagram Insights.

Know What The Best Time To Post Is.

If you don’t know what time the majority of your followers are online, then you’ll most likely be posting at times when your followers are offline, meaning you have very little engagement and your post disappears in followers’ feeds. 

However, Instagram Insights has come to the rescue with this one, providing data about how many followers are online at a certain time. Using this information, you can make sure that you choose to post, or schedule posts, at times when most of your followers are online. As soon as you start utilising this information, your engagement will increase massively.

See What Type Of Content Your Followers Engage With The Most.

It’s not all about what time you post or how often you post - what you post is incredibly important too. Instagram Insights allows you to see information about each post you have and the Stories you create, as well as how many times people have clicked on action buttons such as ‘website taps’. 

Being able to see what posts have the most interaction allows you to have the insight into what your followers really want to see, and which things they would rather you forgot about. For example, if your followers are really engaging with your Instagram Reels, create more of them!

The best kinds of posts are the ones on which followers take action, so keep an eye out for any correlations between posts and website taps or email button taps. You can also see which posts have been forwarded on by followers or saved, by clicking on the Insights button for each particular photo.

Essentially, all you need to do is create more of the content that your followers are interacting with the most.

Learn About Your Demographic and Target Them More Effectively.

Instagram Insights doesn’t only allow you to track your followers, but it gives you data showing where your followers live, what age range they are, and what gender. You can use all of this follower information to your advantage by ensuring that your content targets them. 

For example, if you know that you have a huge bunch of followers in Europe, why not do a “Free Shipping Within Europe” promotion? Or if you know that a lot of your followers speak a particular language, why not start to use subtitles or change up the language your posts are in?

Knowing your demographic on Instagram isn’t only useful for your social media growth, but it’s essential for your entire business marketing strategy. For example, knowing your audience, if you ever go to run a paid advertisement, you will know what kind of demographic you want to target. 

Hopefully after reading this article you’re all clued up on Instagram Insights and you’re ready to utilize all of the tools available to you, to the best of your ability! You need to know your followers so that you can provide them the best of what you offer.


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