How To Utilise Voice Marketing - The Biggest New Digital Marketing Trend!

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Voice marketing, the use of either live or recorded audio content for marketing purposes, is an incredibly powerful way of reaching new customers/followers, creating more of a community with your existing customers/followers, and showing everyone that you have the greatest expertise within your niche.

Of course, voice marketing through radio has been around for years, but voice marketing through other means, such as podcasts and social media, has only really come onto the scene in the last couple of years and it’s certainly something that you can utilise in your digital marketing strategy.

To get all statistical, Clubhouse, an audio-only social media app has gained over 10 million users within one year, and podcasts have 75.9 million listeners in the US alone. So, people are really into audio content -  you just need to use this to your business’s advantage!

Should Your Business Use Voice Marketing?

Honestly, every business can benefit in some way from voice marketing, whether you’re a freelance photographer, a fashion designer, or a stock trader, you will find that voice marketing benefits your business.

Depending on your business, you’ll find that you will benefit from voice marketing differently. For example, if you are a photographer, you can use voice marketing to share your expertise with your audience and show how skilled you are, and if you’re the founder of a fashion brand, you can use voice marketing to share details and talk about new collections with your audience. 

However, the overall benefits of voice marketing are that it allows you to extend your reach, grow brand awareness, connect with your audience on a deeper level, and show your expertise to the world. 

All of these benefits are highly likely to lead to increased sales for your business, just like any other type of marketing. So, if you’re wondering if voice marketing is right for your business, it’s a yes!

Types of Voice Marketing You Can Utilise:

Now you know that voice marketing is an invaluable element to your digital marketing strategy, it’s time to take a look at the different types of voice marketing that you can (and should) utilise!


First up is Clubhouse! As mentioned above, Clubhouse has had unprecedented success since it first launched in April 2020. The app allows you to hop in and out of conversations (or rooms as they’re called), with multiple people attending and able to talk at once - it’s like a big phone call.

Many businesses already regularly use Clubhouse for workshops, hangouts, and meet/greet chats. Due to the casual nature of Clubhouse, it’s perfect for these kinds of situations and allows you to truly connect with individual members of your community.

Whether you host a workshop that shows people you know what you’re talking about, or you join rooms specifically to promote your products/services, Clubhouse is a platform that needs to be included in your social media strategy.


There’s no denying it, podcasts are popular! So, if you’re not podcasting, you could be missing out on connecting with potential new audience members. 

Podcasts don’t only allow you to connect with a new audience, but it grows brand reach, adds personality to your brand, entertains your community, and allows you to show your expertise and promote your products/services.

Starting a podcast has never been easier, with apps like Anchor allowing you to create podcasts straight from your phone. Just remember to keep it consistent (recording episodes in advance and scheduling them is a great way to do this), and entertaining. 

If you want to learn more about podcasting, check out our article here.

Voice Assistants

Voice search SEO is one of the biggest digital marketing trends of 2021, so you need to know about it! Voice assistants, such as Alexa and Siri, are becoming much more commonly used, with research showing that 35% of voice assistant users buy products such as groceries and clothes with the technology.

Therefore, you must be aware of this audience - if your website isn’t set up to be voice assistant friendly, that 35% of users aren’t going to be buying from you!

Although unlike the use of social media platforms like Clubhouse and podcasting you aren’t the one talking, creating a coherent marketing plan and aligned with voice assistants is essential if you’re going to make your products and services more available to buy. 

Time to speak out and get that brand audience widened, engaged, and entertained! If you’re still unsure how to successfully use voice marketing, or you need help creating an effective digital marketing campaign, get in touch.


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